After a large snow storm, sometimes it’s necessary to remove the excess snow from your roof. Doing so can prevent ice dams from forming and keep your home safe from damage. However, it’s important to exercise caution when removing snow from your roof—if not done properly, you could put yourself in danger or cause further damage. Let’s explore how to safely remove snow from your roof after a big storm.
Assess the Situation Beforehand
Before you begin removing snow off of your roof, it’s important to assess any potential risks involved with the job. Start by inspecting the area around the house—are there any power lines nearby? Is there any debris that could cause injury while you’re working? Once you’ve determined that it is safe to proceed, inspect the actual roof itself for any signs of structural damage or weak spots. If you notice anything concerning, don’t attempt to clean off the snow yourself; instead, contact a professional contractor who can do the job safely and efficiently.
Choose Your Tools Carefully
When removing snow from your roof, be sure to select tools that are designed for this specific task. A standard shovel may seem like an obvious choice at first glance, but depending on the type of shingles on your roof and their condition, using a shovel may actually cause more harm than good—it could break or lift up shingles during use and compromise the integrity of your roof. Instead, opt for either a long-handled rooftop rake or specialized snow removal tool designed specifically for roofs with asphalt shingles. These tools are much gentler on roofs than shovels and will help ensure that no damage is done in the process of cleaning off excess snow.
Take Precautions When Working on Your Roof
Once you have all of the necessary tools at hand and have assessed that it is safe to do so, start by clearing off large chunks of snow first before tackling smaller areas one at a time. During this process, be sure to take certain precautions such as wearing rubber-soled shoes for better traction and securing yourself with ropes if needed—this will help keep you secure while working on an icy surface. Also consider bringing someone along with you who can spot check for safety as well as help out if needed; two sets of hands are always better than one!
Removing large amounts of accumulated snow from your roof after a big storm can be dangerous if done improperly—but with proper precautions in place and the right tools at hand, getting rid of excess buildup doesn’t have to be too daunting a task. So if you find yourself needing to clear away some extra accumulation after winter weather hits hard, remember these tips! By following them closely and taking all necessary safety measures into account beforehand, you’ll be able to get back outside quickly without putting yourself in jeopardy in any way. Good luck!